This is a series of blogs written for business owners who may not use or understand the technical language or terms used by website builders, developers or design companies. I hope to give you some useful knowledge and explanations of why understanding a little bit more is important for your business and its bottom line.

However, sometimes people just don’t possess the basic knowledge of how websites and the internet work. If clients lack this foundation knowledge, supporting them down the line can be much more of a challenge.

So with this in mind, I thought I would explain some of the fundamentals to help people in non-technical roles make better informed and more confident decisions about their website. The Capture Factory team understands that your website needs to work for your business, so why not contact us to find out how we can work with you to develop a website that delivers?

The idea behind this series of blogs is to help those with little or no technical knowledge to have a better grasp of technical terms, so they can understand more about the internet and their company’s website. At The Capture Factory, we believe in empowering our customers, giving them the tools to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on technical support. This is the main reason we chose to work exclusively with the WordPress content management system (CMS). It empowers people to take control of their company’s internet presence, so they can start to see a return on the investment they made building their website.

Over the years, we think this has worked well. We have helped our customers to not feel trapped into having to ask for support for things like simple updates to their website.

What does DNS mean?

DNS or Domain Name System sounds complicated, doesn’t it? We have seen clients literally glaze over when we mention it, but it is really important to understand what it is and how it works.

Lost domain name

Here follows a true story, illustrating why knowing your domain name, where it is registered and who has access to it is so important.

Why does your domain name matter?

If you own a business with a website and are puzzled by the question ‘what is a domain name?’ and how it is relevant to your business, then this is the article for you!