Using WordPress for Websites

Using WordPress for Websites

WordPress for websites offers a way of building a website that isn’t too complicated, whilst still being sophisticated.

We use WordPress for websites at The Capture Factory. We design and create easy to use sites that are unique to your business.

WordPress for websites allows users to design and control content on their website with multiple tools and plugins. For example: Post, Pages and SEO. Having multiple ways of creating content is made very simple with WordPress so you can confidently control what goes onto your website, where and when.


Online Pages & Latest News

WordPress for websites is easily expandable so it is able to cope with everything. There are multiple segments within WordPress that allow you to control the content of your website, for example, your latest news and online pages. The difference between ‘latest news’ and ‘online pages’ is that your ‘latest news’ posts are updated, consistent and changing entries for your online presence. Whereas ‘online pages’ which are static, they stay in the same place all the time as a constant source of information.

Search Engine Optimisation

Being able to control your SEO on WordPress is an important tool. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essentially used to make your website go further and increase your page results. The goal is to make your website the first search on a page of results, and to achieve this you need a constant stream of posts which can be provided by the publishing tool in WordPress, and constant promotion of the blog.

Read More About SEO

WordPress for Websites at The Capture Factory

Around 74.6 million websites depend on WordPress for websites. This is a figure that consistently grows. Working with WordPress is clearly something to take into consideration as it offers a website that is simplistic yet sophisticated. The website can be tailored to your uses, goals and customers.

Our team of experienced and talented designers have the ability to create a website that is unique to your business and makes you stand out from the crowd. We can start fresh, or build on what you already have, but we always cater to the needs of your customers. We concentrate on developing a workshop with WordPress that your in-house team can also learn to work on.

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